
Avon Ultra Luxury Eyeliner Review ♥

Hello loves 🙂 The Avon Ultra Luxury Eyeliners are my absolute favourite eyeliners, so I decided to post a quick review for you. I love them for their quality and affordability! Sometimes they will go for as cheap as $1.99 each when they are on sale, how amazing is that?? 

Just a subtle line at the base of my lashes makes them look much fuller 🙂

They glide on the eyes smoothly, and I’ve noticed very little crumbling or breaking after I sharpen them. They also do not transfer on to your upper eyelids when you blink (I HATE THAT!). The Glimmersticks eyeliners from Avon are slightly smoother but they do transfer, and I just can’t deal with worrying if I look like a mess and checking myself in the mirror all day long!

Here are swatches of my favourite colours, from top to bottom: “Eggplant”, “Charcoal”, and “Midnight Blue”.

The one on the right is full size 🙂 They last me about 3 months, but 
I don’t wear them every single day!
Have you tried these eyeliners yet?? Thanks for reading! xo